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To dispatch Teacher ROS use 'Teacher ROs Dispatch' provision given under Stage-2 Tab of Mls point
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Latest Updates
Mls point to Mls point Inter District Movement has provided.
Inter District & Institutional RO Reports are Updated.
* New Godown Addition option is available in Head Office login.
* Sanna Biyyam (Preferred Variety Rice Old & New) is added to Suppliers module.
* Wagon Movement module is added. Follow the SCM_Training PPT uploaded in the site for detailed process.
* Receipts Wrong Entry deletion option is provided in DM login.
* Update Digital Token details is available in DM and GM PDS login.
* Delete Wrong entries option under "Stock Management" in DM login.
* Digital Token is must for Institutional ROs.
* Miller Master Report in godown login.
Telangana ePDS Links
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    Download Digital Token Req. Softwares
    Download SCM PPT
  Disclaimer : Content on this Website is published and managed by Commissioner of Civil Supplies, Hyderabad.
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